Last shoot till the fall. Click HERE for more info…
AHCO Benefical application online
Located under the “About” menu area is a link for Application. Click HERE for more info…

500 Penn St, AFA
1635: Tamaqua Fire Department dispatched to Tamaqua High School for an Automatic Fire Alarm. Call back from school, accidental trip of the alarm from a baseball.

Hunter Drew Bugdanavage
Welcome to the world, Hunter Drew Bugdanavage and congratulations mom and dad, Natasha and Todd. He is 6 1/2 lbs, 18 1/2 long and born 4:59pm at Pottsville hospital.

804 Hazle St. AFA
1905: AHCO and East End dispatched for an Automatic Fire Alarm. As E776 and E778 came up on radio as responding, call back from alarm company, False Activation. All units cancelled and back in service.